Questions about Rivers

 Mu River is a river on the island of Hokkaido in _____Country.

This question about rivers should be answered on 8.4.2022 at 8 pm.
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A beautiful view of the Irrawaddy confluence at the confluence of the Maykha and Malikha rivers
The Irrawaddy River is the lifeblood of Myanmar, and Myanmar is a strong agricultural country because of its dependence on the Ayeyarwaddy River for agriculture.

The Ayeyarwaddy River is the backbone of Myanmar.It flows beautifully from the far north of Myanmar to the lower part of Myanmar and you can see the green fields on each side of the river . Myanmar's historic (World Heritage List) city of Bagan is also located on the banks of the Irrawaddy River.
The lower reaches of the Irrawaddy Delta are the main agricultural areas and the largest rice-producing region in Myanmar.The unique feature of the Irrawaddy River is that dolphins feed in the upper reaches of the river.Dolphins, a rare species, are now being cared for along the Irrawaddy River.

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