How To Make Sand In Little Alchemy 2

How To Make Sand In Little Alchemy 2

How To Make Sand In Little Alchemy 2

How To Make Sand In Little Alchemy 2, Many people think that since sand is found all over the world, it should be the basic or simple element of "Little Alchemy 2".Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

Instead, you should combine some basic elements of air, earth, fire, and water to create more complex elements, unless you have the elements to make sand. The game offers you seven different ways to make the sand element.

If you try to understand how sand is made in the real world, you can easily add it to the game:

1. Make a Stone

Some people also believe that sand is made entirely of small particles of glass. Although there is glass on sandy beaches and people use sand to make glass, most of the sand on earth is made up of minerals such as quartz and field spar. A rock is made up of one or more minerals. So, the best way to make something out of sand is to make something out of stone first.

Stone is not something you can make out of four basic ingredients alone. Just like in the real world, you have to push the earth to make mineral rocks. In "Little Alchemy 2", you create a pressure factor by doubling the wind factor:

  • Air + Air = Pressure

A pressure gauge icon appears on the screen below that indicates "the use of force by an object in contact with an object, whether physical or symbolic".

Now that you have the element of pressure, you can use that force to make rocks on the earth element:

  • Pressure + Earth = Stone

A stone appears on the screen with the words "Breaker and other valuables" written on it.

If you have the element lava, you can mix lava with air to make rocks. If you have not yet collected lava, you mix it with earth and fire.

2. Break and Erode the Stone

Sand is formed when other elements break down and remove minerals and rocks over time. On beaches and other areas near water, it can also be caused by broken and chopped bones, corals, shells, and glass.

Air is one of the many elements that contribute to the erosion process, which means that when you combine rocks with air, you can make sand. All you have to do is drag and drop the wind element onto the rock element:

  • Stone + Air = Sand

A pile of shiny golden sand appears on the screen with the words "Everywhere there is fine rock debris".

Because wind combines with a rock to form sand, you can also make sand from wind if you have stone or rock objects.

That said, you can only make things as you progress through the game and make smaller things.

3. Alternative Options for Making Sand

The only way to prepare sand in "Little Alchemy 2" is as a basic material with mineral elements, which means you must have rock, gravel, or rock elements.

Also, you can combine these elements with just wind, wind-linked elements, or small philosophical elements. To do the latter, you need to delve deeper into the game again.

However, once you have the pressure factor, you can create the wind factor:

  • Pressure + Air = Wind

A circle of wind and green leaves appears on the screen as a wind icon with the words "wind moving in all directions and thwarting all predictions".

Now that you have collected the air, you drag it and let it stand on the rock element.

Why Do You Need Sand in Little Alchemy 2?

The earth is full of small grains of sand. It's not just about sandy beaches, mud veins, river gold, or building cement. Sand is everywhere and is commonly used in everyday life.

Glassmakers and sculptors use sand to make sculptures and other works of art. Sand fills in the form of a delicate glass of sand to help tell people about the passage of time.

Ancient humans carved sandstone walls in cities and monuments. Sand is also needed because some of its animals and plants are found only in sandy places like beaches and deserts.

You need Element Sand because Little Alchemy 2 needs it to make 20 additional related elements.

  • Sand + Fire = Glass
  • Sand + Electricity = Glass
  • Sand + Heat = Glass
  • Sand + Lightning = Glass
  • Sand + Glass = Hourglass
  • Sand + Container = Hourglass
  • Sand + Time = Hourglass
  • Sand + Earth = Sandstone
  • Sand + Rock = Sandstone
  • Sand + Stone = Sandstone
  • Sand + Mineral = Clay
  • Sand + Mud = Clay
  • Sand + Metal = Gold
  • Sand + Steel = Gold
  • Sand + Lake = Beach
  • Sand + Ocean = Beach
  • Sand + Sea = Beach
  • Sand + Water = Beach
  • Sand + Wave = Beach
  • Sand + Sand = Desert
  • Sand + Cactus = Desert
  • Sand + Land = Desert
  • Sand + Lizard = Desert
  • Sand + Vulture = Desert
  • Sand + Swamp = Quicksand
  • Sand + Desert = Dune
  • Sand + Wind = Dune
  • Sand + Motion = Sandstorm
  • Sand + Storm = Sandstorm
  • Sand + Tornado = Sandstorm
  • Sand + Plant = Cactus
  • Sand + Tree = Cactus & Palm
  • Sand + Bird = Ostrich
  • Sand + Egg = Turtle
  • Sand + Animal = Scorpion
  • Sand + Spider = Scorpion
  • Sand + Cow = Camel
  • Sand + Horse = Camel
  • Sand + Livestock = Camel
  • Sand + Fabric = Sandpaper
  • Sand + Paper = Sandpaper
  • Sand + Castle = Sand Castle
  • Sand + Demon = Djinn
  • Sand + Oni = Djinn
  • Sand + Monster = Sandman

Sand combinations in Little Alchemy 2

  • + lake = beach
  • + ocean = beach
  • + sea = beach
  • + water = beach
  • + wave = beach
  • + plant = cactus
  • + tree = cactus
  • + cow = camel
  • + horse = camel
  • + livestock = camel
  • + mineral = clay
  • + mud = clay
  • + sand = desert
  • + cactus = desert
  • + land = desert
  • + lizard = desert
  • + vulture = desert
  • + desert = dune
  • + wind = dune
  • + electricity = glass
  • + fire = glass
  • + heat = glass
  • + lightning = glass
  • + metal = gold
  • + steel = gold
  • + container = hourglass
  • + glass = hourglass
  • + time = hourglass
  • + bird = ostrich
  • + chicken = ostrich
  • + eagle = ostrich
  • + tree = palm
  • + swamp = quicksand
  • + castle = sand castle
  • + fabric = sandpaper
  • + paper = sandpaper
  • + earth = sandstone
  • + rock = sandstone
  • + stone = sandstone
  • + motion = sandstorm
  • + storm = sandstorm
  • + tornado = sandstorm
  • + animal = scorpion
  • + spider = scorpion
  • + egg = turtle

Sand walkthrough

  • 2x air = pressure
  • earth + pressure = stone
  • air + stone = sand

What can you make with sand in Little Alchemy 2?

  • beach
  • cactus
  • camel
  • clay
  • desert
  • djinn
  • dune
  • glass
  • gold
  • hourglass
  • ostrich
  • palm
  • quicksand
  • sand castle
  • sandman
  • sandpaper
  • sandstone
  • sandstorm
  • scorpion
  • turtle

1How To Make Sand In Little Alchemy 2
How To Make Sand In Little Alchemy 2
How To Make Sand In Little Alchemy 2

Find Your Inner Alchemist

Now that you've added sand and the elements directly, it's time to add more sand-related elements to your collection. For example, if you are looking for a batch item, you can make Coconut, Lighthouse, Palm, Picnic, Siegel, and Surfer items.

If you explore the desert, you can build oases, pyramids, and sphinxes. If you are looking for clay, you can make bricks, man, potter, pottery, soap, and even golem. Glass-related items include anything made of glass, such as aquariums, greenhouses, lenses, mirrors, obsidians, prisms, and telescopes. With gold, more bank, money, and wallet items than expected, you can even make an alchemist! Thanks For Coming On My Post How To Make Sand In Little Alchemy 2 Good By.

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