How To Make Castle In Little Alchemy

How To Make Castle In Little Alchemy

How To Make Castle In Little Alchemy
How To Make Castle In Little Alchemy, Welcome to our Little Alchemy Discussion Guide on Fortress Building in Little Alchemy. Directly below you will see each step of building a fort with 4 basic elements. No more clicking or scrolling through the sites you want right now, isn't it?

How to make a castle in Little Alchemy from scratch

There are 17 stages to Making Castle from scratch. If you are new to Little Chemistry, you can start with Step 1. If you have already made items during these stages, you can assemble them wherever you are in your little alchemy journey.

  • Air and Water = Rain
  • Earth and Rain = Plant
  • Water and Earth = Mud
  • Plant and Mud = Swamp
  • Air and Fire = Energy
  • Swamp and Energy = Life
  • Earth and Life = Human
  • Earth and Fire = Lava
  • Air and Lava = Stone
  • Fire and Stone = Metal
  • Human and Metal = Tool
  • Metal and Tool = Armor
  • Armor and Human = Knight
  • Fire and Mud = Brick
  • Brick and Brick = Wall
  • Wall and Wall = House
  • House and Knight = Castle

So there you have it. Simples.

If you're new to the game and want more details, or if you're sharing it with a friend who's just starting out, we'll go into more detail below, which might be helpful.

The following sections will guide you in more detail if you need to. Once the stage items have already been created and published, we will only provide links to the publishing section and you can open them on other tabs. 

Whether full details are provided or a combination of details and links is provided, you will have step-by-step details of how each item was created with screenshots for each step.

How To Create A Castle In Little Alchemy

Assuming you are already in the game:

  • Step 1 - Select ELEMENT1 in the Elements panel and drag it to the game board.
  • Step 2 - Select ELEMENT2 from the Elements panel and drop it over ELEMENT1 which you already placed on the game board in step 1.

What can you create with a castle in Little Alchemy?

  • + gunpowder = cannon
  • + story = fairy tale
  • + night = ghost
  • + human = monarch
  • + time = ruins
  • + sand = sand castle

Castle Step by Step

  • 1 air + water = rain
  • 2 earth + fire = lava
  • 3 earth + water = mud
  • 4 air + fire = energy
  • 5 earth + rain = plant
  • 6 fire + mud = brick
  • 7 air + lava = stone
  • 8 brick + brick = wall
  • 9 fire + stone = metal
  • 10 mud + plant = swamp
  • 11 wall + wall = house
  • 12 energy + swamp = life
  • 13 earth + life = human
  • 14 human + metal = tool
  • 15 metal + tool = armor
  • 16 armor + human = knight
  • 17 house + knight = castle

This is our little alchemy discussion guide on how to build a fortress in Little Alchemy. Below is each step of building the fort using the four basic elements. You do not need to scroll or click on sites to create the desired fortress.

Congratulations you have completed all the detailed steps to How To Make Castle In Little Alchemy.

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