Like PageClick the link to answer the question above the postIf this page appears, please read the text carefully. A few answers to the question are also included between the letters
Each post has a date and time for answering questions. Those who wish to answer the question must do so on that specific day. Questions will only appear when the time is right ................When the time comes to answer, the questions will appear as shown in the picture and you have to answer the questions ..... Name, Please be sure to answer the phone number and questionsOnce you have answered the questions correctly, click the Agree button at the bottom, then click the submit button. Your answers will be sent to ONE Minute members.You will need to send us the correct answers as soon as you are allowed to answer the question. If you submit your answers in time, you will get a thank you note as shown in the picture.If all the answers to your questions are correct, you will get a full 7 points (7/7) in the place shown in the picture, and you will also get a prize.When the deadline for answering questions is over, you will see the message time is up for answering as shown in the picture. New questions will be displayed every day."Answers and winners" will be posted on the Facebook Page no later than half an hour after the quiz.Don't forget to share question posts.The strict rules of this program are that the person answering the question must have liked the page; You must have shared question post.