Pre-Season-1 : : Week-3
No : : ( 9 )
Prizes to be awarded 
200,000ks prize money (two hundred thousand kyats exactly)
Honorary Awardး ၊
Certificate of Honor ၊
A souvenir dress
Celebrating with a beautiful photo on Facebook Page and Website
100,000ks prize money (one hundred thousand kyats exactl)
Honorary Awardး ၊
Certificate of Honor ၊
A souvenir dress
Celebrating with a beautiful photo on Facebook Page and Website
Prize selection rules 
Name : : Su Su Nyein
Address : : Myitkyina
You can watch the video and like & share..................................
Participate in SEASON competitions hosted by Super Star. Honorary Shield
get lots of charity tickets and souvenirs *
®®® Entrance fee is (absolutely) free ®®®
Terms and Conditions
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1) Participate only at your own discretion
2) The video submitted for the contest must be your own (not someone else's video)
3) Only submit the video link you want to participate in the contest video submission
4) Obscene terms / display; Political terms /
Videos with demos will not be accepted at all
5) Only those who agree with the selection rules and prizes set by the Super Star Selection Committee should submit.

Contestants must compete in two stages ...
Prizes to be awarded in SEASON Final
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Weekly competition before the Final - 10 times
Competitors who will compete in the finals candidates will be screened and selected
and will give you Golden Tickets .......
Only Golden Ticket winners in the finals you will have the opportunity to compete ..........
Those who have not yet received the Golden Ticket and those who have not yet received
the Final Award
Everyone can try again in every competition.

@ View ------------------------------ -------( 20 marks
@ Ability to create your own art----( 30 marks
@ Acting Skills---------------------------( 10 marks
@ Innovative Demonstration-------( 10 marks
@ Clothing Creation--------------------( 10 marks
@ Share ၊ Like ၊ Comment-------------( 10 marks