Announcement of answers and winners.
The ONE Minute team would like to thank all of you for answering my knowledge about South Korea ..........
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@@@ Correct Answers .........
The largest city in South Korea
Seoul is the _____ most populous
city in the world.
The ______ of the nation's
population is Buddhists.
South Korea's economy is the ____
largest in the world.
For which countries has South
Korea's development been a
model for others?
Military spending is one of the
top _____ countries in the world.
When did South Korea join
the UN?
Did you answer the above
questions ???
@@@ Winners........
One of the respondents to
tonight's knowledge quiz
about South Korea .........
"There is no one with the
correct answer (winner)"
"Join us every day for our daily giveaway and giveaway special thanks to each of your friends"
(See you tomorrow at 8:00pm)