How to make money on facebook 2024

How to make money from Facebook?

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to make money from Facebook? In this era, everyone is connected to Facebook, whether young, old, old or young, boy or girl, everyone gets Facebook on mobile, many people come to spend time on Facebook and many People share their posts, use it in their popularity.

You can also make money from Facebook, you must have heard about it as you said in the previous post that you can make money online in 2024 through both YouTube vs Blogging, similarly, we can make money online You can also earn money for free through books.

What is Facebook?

This is a social media website and it allows you to stay connected with your close friends and family and also by calling and talking through the website.

Creating a Facebook account is easy, but I want to tell you about the Facebook page.

How to create a Facebook page?

If you turn on Facebook on your computer or mobile, there will be more than one icon on your homepage, then click on it, then you will see the option to create the page, you need to click on it Is. Yes, then you will write on the left. Create a page.

You will then need to fill out a form, which will give you the page name, category, and description, and you can choose the best category for your page.

After selecting a category, you will need to enter some category information, for example, if you choose a brand or product, you must select your website and name the page. And click Start. Now you need to upload the page's profile icon and cover image. Your Facebook page is ready.

Facebook page How to make money?

1. First you need to find your niche

You have to create your Facebook page so that people are ready to open the page after seeing your page and liking the page, you have to share some posts about it, about which you There will be complete information. Before sharing your post, make sure you write good content in your post so that people like your page, for this you have to find a niche where you can share good posts.

2. Build relationships on Facebook

If your page is getting very popular then you need to publish ads on your page, it is very important to establish a relationship in marketing, if there are ads on your page then you can make money through them. ....

3. Making Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing means any online purchase such as - Amazon, Flipkart, and Snapdeal websites you can earn big money when you pay a commission to sell your product.

For this you have to create an account on the linked sites, then you can share the link of any product on this site, if you click on the link of your page and buy a product then you will get your commission. Can make a lot of money

Make Money From Affiliate Marketing

Facebook Make money with Facebook groups

If you have a group on Facebook, you can add many members to this group, then you can earn money by sharing your post, sponsored post, advertisement, or any product link on it.

Assuming many of your groups have Facebook groups and multiple connected members and can't manage any more groups, you can sell one of your groups to make a lot of money. It demands that if someone wants to buy this group, you ask for money from them and make a lot of money.

5. You can make money with Facebook Watch

You will be introduced to Facebook Watch, a new Facebook video streaming service launched by Facebook in August 2017, where you can make money by creating and uploading videos to Facebook.

You have to follow some rules of Facebook Watch.

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Facebook Watch Rules: -

Your video should be 3 to 4 minutes long

Your videos will be viewed for over 3 months and will be viewed by 20,000 people

Your Facebook page should have more than 10,000 likes

You have been active on your Facebook page every day for 90 days.

6. Make money with the Facebook application

If you like creating applications, you can easily make money with this skill through your Facebook. You can also work with Facebook or you can create a Facebook-related application and advertise this application or your product or any other company. Money by promoting ads.

7. Make money from PPC and CPC

Paying per click or cost-per-click is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to a website. Once you connect to such a network, it can be used to post ads on your Facebook page. And then when you see or click on your ad, you get paid.

8. Make money from PPV and PPD

PPV (Pay for each visit): - In this, you have to connect to the PPV network and share your videos and bring more traffic, the more views, the more money You can earn

PPD (for download fee): - It's a bit like PPV, but there is a lot of download money on the internet, you will find many such PPD websites on the internet. When you connect to the PPD network, if you get more traffic, your product will get more downloads and then you can make money.

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To draw conclusions

So folks, how do you make money on Facebook? You will be well aware of this, and you can earn a lot of money through Facebook, I hope you have fully understood this post and it will be very useful for you, our post is yours. Share it with all your friends so it's ours too. Post, now that you know what Facebook is and how it is earned, you can comment if you have any questions about my post.

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